Of the 11th Hussars at a cost of £40,000-led the Light Brigade at Balaklava. Lord Cardigan and Lord Lucan commanded at the charge and Cardigan-who had bought himself the Lt. In Victorian England militarily inexperienced but wealthy men could buy commands in the British army. (Vanessa Redgrave), wife of his best friend, William (Mark Burns), paints him as not entirely beyond reproach. David Hemmings isīrilliantly understated as Nolan, the voice of reason in the mayhem, while his affair with Clarissa Howard and Harry Andrews as brothers-in-law Lord Cardigan and Lord Lucan, respectively. Sir John Gielgud is marvelously dim-witted as the one-armed Lord Raglan, who orders the charge, as are Trevor In this way, Richardson brought his historical figures to life in a uniquely visceral way. In a semi-documentary style, accentuating social customs and focusing on slight observations of individual Tennyson’s legendary poem, Richardson eschewed the standard dramatic conceits of filmmaking to shoot In the knowledge that most people knew what the charge of Balaklava was, due in no small part to Alfred Underground pipe and bringing electricity to the village of Saraycik, their base of operations, all left behindįor the villagers after production wrapped. In return, the film crew transformed the valley into a fully irrigated piece of agricultural land by laying Gunes, who provided 600 of his 900 horses for the production. Turkish Presidential Guard, commanded by Lt. The filmmakers rented a 750-acre valley at a cost of $33,000 and benefitted from the cooperation of the
The official reason), Richardson’s brigade charged at Ankara, Turkey with the full support of the Turkish Locations where the battles were fought (the Russians citing their close proximity to a nearby missile base as Having been refused permission to film at the actual That resulted in the deaths of over 400 British soldiers. To capture the enormous level of authenticity required to fulfill his vision of the 600-man charge at Balaklava Set in 1854, the film chronicles Britain’s disastrous involvement in the Crimean War against Russia.ĭirector Tony Richardson, through his production company Woodfall Films, assembled a mighty brigade of his own Winning tactics of war or, worse yet, the recruits sent to carry them out. The Charge of the Light Brigade (1968) offers a violent and damning portrait of the British armyĭuring a time when it was commanded by bloated philanderers and racists who knew nothing or cared little about the